Thursday, May 29, 2014

Canada's #1 cheats and liars .... The Liberals

They always put the Conservative party in second place when it comes to lying and cheating with a straight face.  

Wish Andrea Horwath was not of the NDP .... I definitely like her. If we had leaders of her calibre, Canada would never meddle in the politics of other countries nor would we ever go prancing into illegal and unnecessary wars.  

Guess, will have to hold my nose and vote for the conniving Cons one more time. Wish I could get over my loyalty to the blasted Cons once and for all. They are no better than the Libs, but  it  takes time to fully disengage..... although, of late, Harper and Baird have been helping many Conservative voters run to the arms of one of the other two parties.  

From CBCNews:
....PCs say Wynne hid $317M bailout of MaRS developer
NDP claims Liberals hired consultant to create fake Twitter accounts for transit plan.

Ontario Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne spent Thursday morning fending off attacks and allegations from her two main opponents.

The day began with the Progressive Conservatives releasing government documents they say show the Liberals secretly approved a $317-million bailout of a downtown Toronto real estate development.

The Liberals gave $71 million to build a second tower at the MaRS research complex near Queen's Park and provided a $234-million loan for the project, but the documents show the registered charity and the real estate developer behind it can't repay the money.

Former Tory MPP Frank Klees says a whistleblower turned over the cabinet documents. Klees and party leader Tim Hudak accused Wynne of approving the bailout behind closed doors to avoid embarrassment during the election campaign.

NDP campaign co-chair Gilles Bisson said in a statement that the NDP has written to the auditor general requesting he look into the incident.

Klees says the Liberals also failed to put the liability on the books in the May 1 budget. The opposition parties refused to support the budget, triggering Wynne to call the June 12 election.

The Tories say the government should take the hit on the books but let MaRS suffer the consequences of bankruptcy from a bad real estate deal........

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