Monday, May 19, 2014

Babylonian America arrests father who questioned school about explicit sex "education" being taught ....

to his daughter without his consent.  You gotta watch the video and wonder if this was the way it was in Nazi Germany when the Nazis were coming for the Jews, the gypsies, the gays and anybody else they didn't  like?  Look at the crowd there ... not one single person had the guts to say anything when the father was being arrested for speaking outside his allocated 2 minutes.  So what if he felt that he has not had his say in full and wanted to disrupt the Nazi teacher?  Didn't anybody in that crowd of wimps have the decency to shout out "Let the man speak, I will give him my allocated 2 minutes" or to tell the police officer "hands off" or to walk out themselves when the cop led the father out of the hall?

What happened to all the brave and outspoken Americans? Have they lost all hope?  Are they now lolling around in their Babylon waiting for the eventual punishment they know they deserve?

Glenn Beck, at link below has more, much more.

From Glenn Beck:
A New Hampshire father  was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct on Monday after he expressed concern at a school board meeting about a book his ninth grade daughter was assigned to read. William Baer took issue with a scene in Jodi Picoult’s novel Nineteen Minutes that details a graphic sexual encounter.

Officials at Gilford High School claim the book contains important themes about a school shooting. According to WCVB-TV, however, the book contains “a graphic description of rough sex between two teenagers,” and parents were not made aware of such content until the book had already been distributed to students.

School district officials did not answer any questions about the book on Monday, but in the past, the school has sent out notifications to parents before assigning the controversial book. That protocol was not followed this year.

In an interview with EAG News, Baer explained he came across the book’s questionable material by happenstance when a family friend happened to flip through the book and read the graphic scene aloud.

“I was shocked when I read the passage, and not much shocks me anymore,” Baer said. “My wife was stunned by the increasingly graphic nature of the sexual content of the scene and the imagery it evoked.”....

....On radio this morning, Glenn questioned how out of control our society has become that no one else in the room so much as protested the man’s arrest. While Baer is clearly agitated, his behavior certainly does not seem to warrant an arrest.

“Now, I could imagine that you are arrested for standing up and being vile in public,” Glenn said. “That wasn’t the case. This was held in a library and this was held with… maybe 15 or 20 adults in there. And they were talking to the school board, and he said why is this happening.”

In an effort to add a bit of levity to the situation, Pat read a somewhat edited version of the novel’s graphic scene in his best Al Gore impersonation..............

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