Sunday, April 6, 2014

Wonder how many $$$$$$$$$$$s US prez Bill Clinton and other warmongers made from the sale of Christian Serbs' organs

Wars are created by the money-hunger .... make no mistake about that very real fact.  Wars can make the unsavory and the most vilest of creatures into multi-millionaires for each minute of every day the war lasts.  These parasites don't care about your sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers .... dying on the battlefield.  For them,  the longer the conflict, the more the money they are able to make.

From NewsDaily:
....The European Union said on Saturday  it plans to set up an international court in Kosovo to deal with alleged crimes committed by ethnic-Albanian guerrillas during the war with Serbia.

"The EU is not proposing to establish a tribunal, but rather a specialist court within the Kosovo court system," the bloc's Pristina office said in a statement sent to AFP.

"This court would have a seat in Kosovo, but sensitive proceedings, including hearing of witnesses, would take place outside of the country in view of the nature of the allegations," the EU said.

The court will address the findings of a 2010 report by the Council of Europe's special rapporteur Dick Marty that alleged ethnic-Albanian fighters had been involved in serious war crimes during the 1998-1999 conflict.

It accused Kosovo's top political leaders, including Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and several of his closest associates, of killing some 500 prisoners -- mostly Kosovo Serbs -- in order to harvest and sell their organs, among other crimes.

At the time Thaci was a leader of Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), an independence-seeking guerrilla force that fought the armies of the Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic.
The two-year war ended when a NATO air campaign ousted Milosevic's forces from Kosovo, paving the way to its declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008.

The EU in 2011 set up a special task force (SITF) to conduct a fair and independent criminal investigation into the allegations contained in the Marty report.

Led by US prosecutor Clint Williamson, the force "is expected to release its findings by mid-June", a justice official told AFP.

"He hinted that his probe resulted in enough evidence for raising an indictment," said the official, who asked not to be named.....

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