Monday, April 28, 2014

USA warns Libya that "international community" will take over if govt. does not clean up act?

Just like many of us suspected, USA-led NATO has been chomping at the reins to be let off so it can start raping Libya. It's more than possible that USA and her allies probably had this planned all along (see second link for possible confirmation). 

Libya is swollen with oil and so her fate is sealed.... she belongs to USA-led NATO.  If you are a legal beagle and worry about the legality of it all... don't worry, be happy. Everything is all very legal because the sealed and signed document is either written in the Bible or seen in the stars.

This is what Americans have been trained to do by the powers-that-be who control us earthlings. At home they grab land from ranchers, and worldwide they either grab countries outright or grab the governments and make them their obedient little puppets.

From MiddleEastMonitor:
....Senior Libyan sources revealed to Al-Araby Al-Gadeed website that the visit by deputy US Secretary of State William Burns to Tripoli two days ago included a warning by Burns that "Libyan rulers should undertake their responsibilities in overcoming the current unrest within two months, or else the country would be taken over by the international community."

The sources confirmed that Burns warned political forces and the government during a surprise visit that if the country's political instability is not resolved within the next two months, US President Barack Obama, in coordination with the European Union, will dispatch a special representative to take charge of the political transition in the country.

Analysts interpreted this warning as a prelude to a step that may place Libya under "International mandate".

Burns visited Libya on Wednesday and met with leaders of the "Revolutionary Room" along with the chairman of the Justice and Construction party, the political wing of the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, the deputy chairman of the National Congress Gomaa Ateika, and other politicians...........

Diana West writing at WND:
....More than Benghazi skeletons should haunt Hillary Clinton’s expected 2016 presidential bid. It now seems that the entire war in Libya – where thousands died in a civil war in which no U.S. interest was at stake – might well have been averted on her watch and, of course, that of President Obama. How? In March 2011, immediately after NATO’s punishing bombing campaign began, Moammar Gadhafi was “ready to step aside,” says retired Rear Adm. Charles R. Kubic, U.S. Navy. “He was willing to go into exile and was willing to end the hostilities.”

What happened? According to Kubic, the Obama administration chose to continue the war without permitting a peace parley to go forward......

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