Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ultra-Orthodox Jews clash with police in Jerusalem

How can a govt. force its citizens into compulsory military service if they don't want to join the military because their strict Orthodox beliefs go against the killing of other human beings? 

From EuroNews:
....Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews   clashed with police on Thursday in Jerusalem during a protest against military conscription.  


  1. Basically their belief is for other Jews to die defending their state from Muslim hordes bent on the extermination of the Jews..

    1. I understand that ... but it's better not to have reluctant soldiers in the army. Think about it. Also, it's wrong for a govt. to force people into serving in the military or anywhere else.

  2. Humans will be humans with all the weaknesses some have. Many Jewish citizens are taking advantage of that exemption from military service by faking orthodox belief. It is causing a problem. I say it is not fair and it is time for the Orthodox Jews to drop their opposition to military service. In the same way, I would like observant Muslims drop the uncivilized parts of their beliefs. They can do that and still be good people. OK, maybe at the start, having them in the front lines is not the greatest good idea but start with rear support and modify things as attitudes change. Yup, I know it is a stretch for this particular attitude to change. But after all, we in the west haven't yet legalized bigamy which I admit is a rather tenuous comparison.


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