Thursday, April 17, 2014

The USA is our friendly neighbor and best partner in the whole wide world. Wrong! Very Wrong!

The Americans hold us back just like they hold back the countries that get too powerful for their own good. I don't believe even for a sec that it's only the American Left that's against the XL pipeline.  The Right is also playing a game with us but the Canadian Cons will never admit it to be so.

From AP via CBC:
....Jimmy Carter urges Keystone XL rejection  
Former president says oil pipeline shouldn't be approved.
For the first time, a former U.S. president has come out against the Keystone XL pipeline.

The ex-president in question is Jimmy Carter.

The 39th president joined a group of Nobel laureates to sign a letter urging the current commander-in-chief to reject the pipeline from Canada.

The letter tells Barack Obama that he stands on the brink of making a choice that will define his legacy on one of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced — climate change.

“History will reflect on this moment and it will be clear to our children and grandchildren if you made the right choice.... We urge you to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline," the letter reads.

It says his decision will either signal a "dangerous commitment" to the status quo, or "bold leadership" that will inspire millions counting on him to do the right thing for the climate.

Obama has signalled that a decision on the Alberta-to-Texas pipeline is imminent before summer.....

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