Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The scandal-plagued Harper government

Like I have said before,  come the next election, Harper and his Cons will be lucky if they are given the privilege to form a coalition govt.  The "strong Conservative majority govt" has slipped from their hands.... and the only people to blame are the Conservatives themselves. So many scandals of late, most of us have already lost count.  Besides, nobody takes kindly to bullies who think they can hop and skip to far away lands with intent to replace governments of those countries when those same billions of dollars spent outside the country can be spent inside it. Right now,  I am thinking of Libya, Syria and Ukraine. In the long run, we might have to add Afghanistan too to that list.

Andy Radia at YahooPolitics:
 ....One of the emerging themes as we inch toward the 2015 federal election is that of a political leader's judgement.
We saw a hint of this on Monday when Conservative Party Officials questioned Justin Trudeau's after the Liberal leader dropped an f-bomb at a charity boxing match over the weekend.
Trudeau countered, questioning Stephen Harper's judgement over the sudden resignation of the prime minister's hand-picked Conservative Party executive director Dimitri Soudas. Soudas resigned on Sunday after allegations emerged of him interfering with a nomination battle in Oakville involving his fiance MP Eve Adams.
"It's yet another example of this government in general, but Mr. Harper in particular, showing poor judgement in his appointments process. Whether its for senators or executive directors or chiefs of staffs," Trudeau told reporters on Monday.
"This is just part of a pattern of a government that has shown itself incapable of putting the right people in the right place."........


  1. The biggest downside of the Harper Cons screwing up is that it could lead to Justin becoming PM.
    If that happens, please, just shoot me.

    1. Yup, I know. I hope the Cons are not beaten badly but will survive to form at least a coalition govt. Their downfall will be because of their miserable foreign policy.
      Anyway, seasoned political gurus insist that coalition govts are good for all around.


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