Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The many sides of the election circus in India

Bloomberg has an interesting account of it below.  Don't try to make sense of what's going on in India or how Indians do their reasoning during their four seasons.  It's all fuzzy knowledge which they somehow manage to build into computer programs that seem to work.
The outcome of the election is going to be very worrisome for the Indian Muslims as the hardliner Hindu no-nonsense Narendra Modi's party is projected to win more seats than expected.

....As you’ve probably heard,    ....As you’ve probably heard, there are some 815 million eligible voters in India’s national elections, which are under way and will stretch until May 121. The polling process is awesome in its complexity, and the campaigns have given rise to robust debate about the nation’s future among the competing parties. But here’s something else not to miss: It’s all pretty damn colorful.

A sampling:
1. Upstart politician Arvind Kejriwal keeps getting slapped on the campaign trail. And when we say slapped, in some instances it’s looked to be a knock-the-taste-out-of-your-mouth-with-a-palm-upside-your-head-in-broad-daylight slap. The headlines from the campaign trail have been along the lines of, “Kejriwal slapped again, second attack in last four days.” A video of the March 28 incident and the ensuing melee is here. To see an April 8 incident, click here.......

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