Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Big Top Circus or news on Russia, Ukraine, NATO

From NationalPost:
Insurgent ‘mayor’ in Ukraine’s east  wants to swap ‘captives’ for jailed pro-Russian activists.
A pro-Russian insurgency leader in eastern Ukraine said Saturday that foreign military observers detained as suspected NATO spies could be released in exchange for jailed pro-Russian activists......

From EgyptIndependent:
....Russia erects statue for prominent Egyptian writer.
Mohamed al-Badry, the Egyptian ambassador to Moscow, unveiled a statue of the Egyptian thinker and writer Abbas Mahmoud al-Akkad on Thursday at the Russian Research University, coinciding with the 125th anniversary of his birth................

From RTNews:
....Russia questions NATO military buildup near border
The deployment of US and NATO aviation, ships and troops raises concerns, Russia’s Chief of General Staff told his American counterpart. In a phone conversation the two also spoke of Russian military exercises and “substantial” Ukrainian troop buildup.

“Our concern is caused by an increase of US air force and the American military personnel in the Baltic, Poland, and also the Alliance's ships in the Black Sea,” the Defense Ministry said in a statement, quoting General Valery Gerasimov. NATO wargames in Eastern Europe are also “not helping” to normalize the situation, Russia's defense minister Sergey Shoigu said earlier.........

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