Monday, April 28, 2014

On the Keystone XL Pipeline issue

The article below tells it all.  It's all about politics and who or what actually controls the people in "power" in the government. The billionaires of the world are our real masters because they control the strings ... the purse strings as well as the strings on their own little puppets.

Byron York writing at WashingtonExaminer:
On Keystone pipeline, Democratic stalwart Laborers Union finds itself outbid by one enviro-billionaire
The Laborers International Union of North America, with about 570,000 members, wants the Obama administration to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. The union has a lot of clout in Democratic circles; according to the Center for Responsive Politics, it has contributed $38,089,860 to political candidates since 1989, with just seven percent of it going to Republicans.

Tom Steyer, the hedge-fund billionaire, wants the Obama administration to block construction of the pipeline. Although a relative newcomer to the political game, he has pledged to give Democrats $50 million, and raise $50 million more, to get his way.

Who has more clout on this issue, the longtime Democratic labor union that has contributed $38 million over the past quarter-century, or the guy who can come up with $100 million for this election cycle alone? The question answers itself. And so no one should be surprised that President Obama has again postponed a decision on the pipeline, and left the Laborers unhappy one more time.

Steyer’s contribution alone — not counting the amount he has pledged to raise — would top the total donations from almost any major Democratic constituency over the last 25 years. According to those Center for Responsive Politics numbers, Steyer’s $50 million is more than the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has contributed in the last quarter-century ($45,516,130, two percent of it to Republicans). It’s more than the United Auto Workers has contributed in the same period ($41,669,153, zero percent of it to Republicans). It’s more than the Service Employees International Union has contributed ($38,569,790, two percent of it to Republicans). Go down the list. Only two unions — the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees ($61,339,129, one percent to Republicans) and the National Education Association ($58,783,738, four percent to Republicans) — have contributed more in the last 25 years than Steyer plans to give this cycle..........

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