Sunday, April 6, 2014

On Brendan Eich, Mozilla CEO .... tortured, killed and crucified by "progressives"

just like the Muslim cavemen do to people they hate,  which includes everybody under the rainbow flag.

Knowing how the bullying nature of the LGBT (have they added any more alphabets while I was sleeping?) is looking more and more Muslim-like,  I am gonna state right here and now that many of us will re-think our stance on Muslim immigration to the West and will come to the conclusion that we need more Muslims to migrate to North America to counter balance or counteract the bullying from the LGBT community.  

Muslims, with their aggressive nature are just the kind of people we need to deal with the LGBT bullies in the only way the bullies in their midst need to be dealt with.  LGBT deserve more than our innate meek and mild push-backs at their bullying tactics ... they need violent action from those who know how to put hate into action in a way we decent folks will never be able to do because we might dislike the LGBT bullying tactics but we don't hate the LGBT. 

Bottom line:  We need many more Muslim immigrants in our population so they can deal on our behalf with the LGBT bullies .... on the well-known Muslim terms we have seen the proof of in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries.

I loved the way blogger Matt Walsh said many of the things I absolutely agree with. It's a beautiful put down ... read it in full.

....Hey gay rights militants: your fascism is showing  
Dear gay rights militants, dear progressive tyrants, dear liberal fascists, dear haters of free speech, dear crusaders for ideological conformity, dear left wing bullies:

You will lose.

I know you’ve got legions of sycophants kowtowing to you these days, and the rest you’ve set out to destroy — but you will lose.

So, you’ve tracked another dissident and skinned him alive. You’ve made an example of Brendan Eich, and now you dance joyously around his disemboweled carcass. You have his head on a spike, and you consider this a conquest in your eternal crusade to eradicate diversity and punish differing opinions. You launched your millionth campaign of intimidation, and now another good man has been dragged through the mud, to the sounds of taunting and jeering and death threats.........

.......So you’ll lose. People are starting to see that you are the pigs on this Animal Farm, and the equality of which you preach is a very unequal equality indeed........

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