Tuesday, April 29, 2014

North Korea continues with war games

I blame the video games from that part of the world.  From the laptop screen to real life is just a wee tiny step. They love death too, just like the Muslims.

From BBC:
North Korea conducts live-fire drill near disputed border.
North Korea has conducted a live-fire drill near the disputed maritime border, Seoul officials say, but no shells fell in South Korean waters.

It is the second time in a month that Pyongyang has carried out such drills.

Last time, the exercises led to an exchange of artillery fire between North and South Korea.

But on this occasion, North Korea's live rounds fell short of the disputed western sea border and so South Korea did not respond.

"The North's shells fell in waters about 3km (2 miles) north of the NLL [Northern Limit Line, the disputed border]," Yonhap news agency quoted a spokesman from the South's Joint Chiefs of Staff as saying.

"The South Korean military is currently monitoring North Korean artillery units, while maintaining high military readiness.".........

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