Saturday, April 12, 2014

Iran's stupidity in diplomat named to UN goes to show Iranian politicians are dumber than dumb

Just when the USA was making some concessions and agreeing to talks, what does Iran do?  Act and talk mega stupid.  Did the dumb fucks really and truly think they could send  a man who was clearly a member of the group of terrorists who had taken over the US Embassy in 1979 ?  What a lousy blunder!! 

Even if  the erstwhile terrorist was named as Iran's envoy to the UN and has nothing to do with Iran's representation in America ... has Iran forgotten that the UN building stands in the USA?  What blustering idiots!

From AP:
....Iran rejected naming a new diplomat   Saturday to represent it at the United Nations, with one lawmaker urging the Islamic Republic to stand up to "bullying" from the U.S., which has rejected granting its pick a visa.

The standoff over Hamid Aboutalebi, a member of the group responsible for the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, comes as world powers negotiate with Iran over its contested nuclear program. It also threatens to stir fresh animosity between countries that recently have seen their relations thaw.

The Obama administration said Friday that the U.S. had informed Iran it would not grant a visa to Aboutalebi, suggesting that behind-the-scenes discussions to get them to withdraw him from consideration failed. On Saturday, Iranian state television anchors discussed the U.S. reject, with a crawl at the bottom of the screen reading: "The Foreign Ministry says Aboutalebi is Iran's only choice as its U.N. envoy."

Prominent lawmaker Alaeddin Boroujerdi said the U.S. had no right to intervene in Iran's U.N. envoy pick.....

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