Sunday, April 13, 2014

How socialist parties get voters addicted to free money

An honest woman "on the dole" ?   Yup.
You gotta listen to her.  She tells it like it is.  Even if you think she's being a leech, give her credit for being an honest leech and IMO, she's definitely not the kind of leech who thinks the govt. owes her for breathing. She is the kind of leech who will take what the govt. gives her because ..... anyway listen to the woman.

There's another vid at the Personal Liberty blog,  (link below) which might make you want to throw up. Now, that's the kind of leech you won't like to listen to nor look at.  
I can't help but make a comparison here of the similarities between  Banks and Socialist govts.  Socialist govts give free money to make people addicted to their kind of governance and  Banks  make addicts out of borrowers by lending them money at almost no interest thus getting a larger segment of the population taking to the concept of low interest fees for borrowed money to spend on things they don't even need.

Brandon Smith writing at PersonalLiberty:
....When faced with the inevitable destabilization and destruction of one’s country and culture, it is only natural to define and expose the culprit behind the chaos. The liberty movement spends an incredible amount of time and energy unmasking the criminality of international financiers and globalists, but it is important to point out that the power of the elites is entirely dependent on the ignorance and stupidity of the masses. Without a majority of thoroughly foolish Americans, there would be no base of support for the actions of tyrants. Without the mind-boggling superficiality and bias of the average citizen, there would be no fertile ground for the schemes of totalitarians to blossom. Truly, there are two great enemies of any liberty-based society: the power-mad oligarchy and the idiots who make their conquests more feasible.

Is our Nation built upon carefully crafted lies? Yes. Is our political establishment a false paradigm? Yes. Is our public school system corrupt and poisonous? Of course. But are elitists the only source of our despair? No. It is vital that we acknowledge the important part played by biased, selfish, cruel and mentally challenged persons in the destruction of all that is good in this world. There is no power over us but that which we give away; and, sadly, too many useless Americans are willing to give away everything in the name of comfort, fear or narcissism.....

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