Thursday, April 24, 2014

Grade A Moron Tony Blair sounds off on the "importance of the Middle East"

Can one turn back the tide?  Has anyone ever seen that happen?  
The downfall of the United Kingdom of Great Britain started almost 30 years ago and morons just like this idiot Tony Blair were in full support of immigrants from Muslim countries coming to the UK in waves and waves of never-ending silent invaders until their numbers grew.
Their numbers have now grown and will keep growing.  No one can stop that now or in the future.  
It is crystal clear to anyone with even half a partly functioning brain that what such idiots have done  is irreversible ... the harm has been done, the tide cannot be turned back unless Britain wants to morph into Hitler-like Nazis to get rid of British Muslims.    

The link below has the full text of his speech at Bloomberg. I couldn't bring myself to read more than a few paras.  The delusional idiot still insists that the Middle East matters and so the saga will continue to continue as long as such nitwits exist all around us.  More discord in the Middle East = more Muslim refugees and immigrants to the West.  It's going to be one continuous vicious circle and we better learn to live with it because there's no other alternative.

Putting up a few sandbags might help for just those few moments in the history of islam ... but the onward march of islamization of the West cannot be stopped.

From TheSpectatorUK:
Full text: Tony Blair’s speech   on why the Middle East matters.
It is unsurprising that public opinion in the UK and elsewhere, resents the notion that we should engage with the politics of the Middle East and beyond. We have been through painful engagements in Afghanistan and Iraq. After 2008, we have had our own domestic anxieties following the financial crisis. And besides if we want to engage, people reasonably ask: where, how and to what purpose?....

.......However the Middle East matters. What is presently happening there, still represents the biggest threat to global security of the early 21st C....

....At the root of the crisis lies a radicalised and politicised view of Islam, an ideology that distorts and warps Islam’s true message... 

....I would say there are four reasons why the Middle East remains of central importance and cannot be relegated to the second order.

First and most obviously, it is still where a large part of the world’s energy supplies are generated, and whatever the long term implications of the USA energy revolution, the world’s dependence on the Middle East is not going to disappear any time soon. In any event, it has a determining effect on the price of oil; and thus on the stability and working of the global economy........

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