Monday, April 14, 2014

Bomb blast in Abuja bus terminal kills 71 and injures many more rush-hour commuters

Right now, according to reports, 71 confirmed dead.  We know from past experiences that, that figure will jump to many more. 

Nigeria's economy  has overtaken the economies of all other countries in Africa, but the government is either inefficient, very corrupt or don't have the balls to take on Boko Haram. Disgusting!

What is the government afraid of? Why can't it go after the Muslim terrorists?  Are they scared the country might erupt into a civil war and America and her allies will use that to invade and rob them of their oil and other resources?  Yes .... there's that possibility too when there's a horde of ever-ready and always starving vultures waiting, waiting, waiting.

From CBCNews:
....Nigeria bomb blast deaths jump to 71 
No immediate claim for rush-hour blast, though Boko Haram network has threatened attack.
An explosion that ripped through a busy bus station in Nigeria's capital Abuja has killed at least 71 people and wounded 124.

Police spokesman Frank Mba says Monday's blast destroyed 16 luxury coaches and 24 minibuses.

There was only believed to be one blast with secondary explosions as vehicle fuel tanks ignited and burned.
Reporters saw rescue workers and police gathering body parts as ambulances rushed the wounded to the hospitals.
There was no immediate claim for the rush-hour blast, though the Boko Haram terrorist network has been threatening to attack the capital.

The Islamic extremists, based in northeast Nigeria, carried out a 2011 suicide car bombing at the United Nations office building in Abuja that killed at least 21 people and wounded 60.....

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