Friday, April 4, 2014

Be a vigilante on behalf of seniors, you will be one, one day, if not already

This story highlights what happens to the elderly who have no close relatives or relatives who are thousands of miles away from them.

Steve Mertl writing at YahooBlogs:
....The story of Norma Marshall is chilling, especially as many Baby Boomers around us are starting to look into their own future as they age.
The 94-year-old Toronto resident was victimized by a crooked couple that insinuated themselves into the lonely woman's life, moved into her home and essentially robbed her blind.
But it's also a story about how a stranger's kindness and concern can rescue someone like Marshall from a nightmarish situation.
It all began four years ago when Marshall, whose closest living relative is a nephew in Montreal, hired a housekeeper to help keep her apartment tidy.
But the 32-year-old woman did more than clean,CityNews reported.

“The housekeeper became quickly involved in the woman’s daily activities, as well as gained access to her banking and finances,” said Det. Const. Valerie Dahan at a news conference Wednesday....
Then, earlier this year, the housekeeper told Marshall she and her family were moving back to Portugal and invited her to join them.
But instead of doing that, the woman showed up on Marshall's doorstep with her husband and their children. They all moved in, essentially confining Marshall to a small bedroom in the house.
They then proceeded to systematically plunder her bank account and property, police allege.
“The women’s possessions, including furniture, valuables and jewellery were sold without her knowledge,” Dahan said.
“It is further alleged that the woman was defrauded of a majority of her life savings, which at this time is believed to be approximately $25,000, and the housekeeper had no intention of emigrating with the woman."........

1 comment:

  1. Truly disgusting creatures and we let them in the country. I wonder if they will ever get deported or will some guttersnipe lawyer whine for mercy.


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