Sunday, April 20, 2014

Another Al Qaeda-like Sunni terrorist group is born .... in Egypt

Why is it that we don't hear of "Shiite" terror groups besides the one and only Hezbollah that our governments in the West have designated as one?  How come there are so many of the "Sunni"  terrorists who suicide bomb at every chance, behead all and sundry at the slightest pretext and go on all sort of rampages whenever and whenever.... but are still funded and armed by the West?  Are we that far gone that we believe our government's propaganda all the time, every time?  What's wrong with us?  Why are we not looking at things in their proper perspective?  Can one be brainwashed to this extent that we are blindly pointing fingers at certain segments of the Muslim groups only because our media, gagged and  controlled by the govt, wants us to?  Is Iran really the big threat to Middle East peace that it's painted out to be?  Really?  Really?

From YahooNews:
....The Egyptian militant group, Ajnad Misr, claimed responsibility on Saturday for a blast that killed one police officer in Cairo.
The bomb exploded in Cairo's Lebanon Square on Friday night, killing the officer and wounding another.
Ajnad Misr, or Soldiers of Egypt, said in a statement on an Islamist website that its militants had monitored a police checkpoint in the square before detonating the bomb.
The group formally announced itself in January saying it would target "criminal elements" in the military-backed government.
It has claimed at least six attacks since then, including explosions outside Cairo University which killed a police brigadier-general and one other person earlier this month.
In a separate attack, early on Sunday, a police officer was killed on the Suez-Cairo road after being fired at by unknown assailants, the state news agency reported.........

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