Saturday, March 22, 2014

War criminals in the United Kingdom of the Caliphate

Wonder how many we have here in Canadistan.  And, how many more are on their way from Syria and Libya.

From BBCNews:
.....Warning over number of war crime suspects living in UK.  
Official figures may significantly underestimate the number of suspected war criminals living in the UK, the ex-head of the Border Force has warned.

Brian Moore told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that tracing people suspected of war crimes who were now in Britain was not the "priority it should be".

Mr Moore, the force's former director general, said official numbers relied on those who volunteered information.
The Home Office said it was constantly trying to improve screening methods.....

....Last year, the Home Office revealed how it had identified 115 war crimes suspects making UK immigration claims.

However, Mr Moore said the true figure was likely to be significantly higher and called on the government actively to seek witness statements from victims of war crimes who had also claimed asylum in Britain.
Of the cases confirmed by the Home Office, suspects originated from countries including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Rwanda, Serbia and Sri Lanka......

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