Friday, March 7, 2014

Vladimir Putin was so right when he said he didn't want the LGBT crowd near young Russians

That is one smart man!  He knows all about the depravity of the West and how our governments are hell-bent on changing the young generation into putty,  because you see,  putty is manageable.  Strong-willed individuals are usually people with good decent morals and can't be swayed as easily to the government's Orwellian 1984 scenario.
More pics at link.

From MassResistanceOrg:
Mainstream media in Mass. starts campaign to normalize transgenderism and sex-changes for schoolchildren!

This boy was marching in the state-supported "Youth Pride Parade" in Boston in 2013. This is what happens when homosexual and transgender adult activists are allowed to push their agendas in the schools.
[MassResistance photo]

This past year Massachusetts began to enforce its mandate that public schools fully accommodate the concept of "transgenderism" and cross-dressing by children. Now, a powerful campaign has been ramping up in the local mainstream media to normalize "transgenderism" and even sex-change operations for children in the eyes of the public.
As we reported last year and in our recent post on the "War on Children," schools in Massachusetts are now directed to allow so-called "transgender" students -- children who decide to "identify" as the opposite sex -- to wear opposite-sex clothes to school, use opposite-sex restrooms and locker rooms, and be called by an opposite-sex name. (California now has also mandated "transgenderism" in the public schools, and several other states are not far behind.)

A boy (right) who says he now "identifies" as a girl plays on the girls' softball team, as mandated by California state law.

[Photo: Watchara Phomicinda]

But this has been happening relatively quietly. The general public still knows very little about it. But even in Massachusetts, seeing children involved in this makes people disturbed and outraged.

Thus the radical movement felt the need for a slick, effective PR campaign to change the public's attitudes. In other words, the current stream of articles and radio spots is no accident or coincidence. Like similar homosexual-themed PR campaigns, this has the fingerprints of the well-funded and well-connected homosexual-transgender groups all over it. These groups have long worked hand in glove with their allies in the mainstream. Their activists and hand-picked "experts" appear in almost all of the articles.

This woman, dressed as a man and taking testosterone to grow facial hair and lower her voice, coached the boys' cross-country team at a private boarding school in Rhode Island. She is "married" to a lesbian, according to the Boston Globe article.[Photo: Boston Globe.]

Softening up the public
Not long ago this concept was considered so fringe and demonic that not even the homosexual newspapers would barely touch it. But the public is now being softened up to believe that this is an everyday occurrence -- and even a "normal" part of life. There's even the constant use of the opposite-sex pronoun (i.e., "he" when referring to a girl) to play not-so-subtle tricks with your mind.

Just a few examples over the last month:
A four-part series by National Public Radio in Boston about "Nate," a girl who has decided she wants to be a boy:...............

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