Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ukraine fiasco developments .... Update 1 for March 1

The article below explains a lot.  From this we can surmise that the men who took over the airports and the parliament building were in the pay of the ex-president's son:
From IrishMirror:
The airport at the centre of a tense standoff between Ukraine and Russia is owned by the son of ousted Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych, the Mirror can reveal.
Armed militia arrived at Simferopol Airport, in the Crimean region of Ukraine, in trucks overnight and began patrolling, some carrying Russian naval flags.
The company that owns the airport, Mizhnarodnyy Aeroport Simferol PAT, was bought by Oleksandr Yanukovych in April last year, according to mergers and acquisitions monitors Zephyr......

The vid below highlights one of the most disturbing aspects of what's happening in Ukraine. These Nazis are going to spread all over the EU. First they will team up with EU Muslim gangs for a while before getting rid of them and others they can't stand.  Mark my words. They will infiltrate the Right parties and create havoc.  Ukraine was a Pandora's Box.  Now it has been opened by the fools we have as our overlords.

Loved this analogy from  Brit blog Raewald ... and the hilarious mention of "cheap brass curtain ring" is a  lol.
....The EU bought Ukraine an engagement ring, spoke to the vicar about booking the church and even started help look through the wedding dress catalogues, deaf to the warnings and opposition of the bride's father. He'll come around, they wheedled, just give him time. The EU led them right up the aisle - hoping a cheap brass curtain ring would pass for a wedding band with some sort of 'associate' status. And hoping the bride's father would continue to feed, clothe and house her at considerable expense all the while. ....

You gotta see this. Imagine If Russia Took Canada and Issued Warning to America   

In the world of hyper propaganda, truths, half-truths, outright lies, etc. this and judge for yourselves where exactly it stands. I am confused.
Pierre Omidyar one of the oligarchs who funded revolution  

Interesting maps 

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