Sunday, March 30, 2014

Turkey is creating havoc for Armenians in Kessab, Syria

What is Turkey up to?  What's in the blueprint, the architects of which are USA and her allies?  Why are Armenians suddenly the  target? Are Armenias being targetted because Armenia is being protected by Russia and Armenians by and large support the Assad regime?  The vid below has the US State Dept statement commenting on the issue ... but if we take whatever is said by Washington at face value, then the only losers in this dangerous game will be we ourselves.

If you believe the stories out there that Turkey has sent in their troops inside regions of Syria because they are after the Iraqi Sunni group ISIS,  then I have a nicely parceled stinking garbage wrapped up in shiny gift wrap which I would like to award you for being one smart cookie and a know-it-all.

.....Turkish armed forces continue artillery, tank, aerial and special forces attacks against Syrian armed forces in support of mercenary brigades in Kassab, in Syria’s Lattakia province. Prior to the large scale campaign, which was launched on March 21, some 70 percent of the residents of Kassab were Armenian Syrians. ....

From PanoramaArmenia:
....22 Armenians were kidnapped  from Kessab and taken to Turkey.
Of those Armenians who remained in Kessab, 22 were kidnapped and taken to Turkey, deputy chairman of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party (SDHP) Armenia office, Syrian Armenian Vazgen Mesropyan told 

“We have exact information that those people who did not leave their homes in Kessab were kidnapped, with 11 people being unaccounted for,” he said.

Mr Mesropyan noted that more than 40 Armenians did not leave Kessab.

The Armenian populated villages of Kessab in Syria were the target of three days of brutal cross-border attacks from Turkey. Some 670 Armenian families, the majority of the population of Kessab, were evacuated by the local Armenian community leadership to safer areas in neighboring Basit and Latakia.

Kevork Almassian writing at AlAkhbarEnglish:
The Syrian town of Kessab,  once a popular holiday destination, has recently come under heavy gunfire from rebel groups linked to al-Qaeda. Armed men entered the town, looted Armenian shops and homes, taking families hostage, and desecrating the town's three churches.

The attack has forced at least 2,000 ethnic Armenian civilians to seek refuge in Latakia and other neighboring hills. For Syria watchers, this incident further highlights the systematic targeting of Christian communities in the country.....

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