Monday, March 17, 2014

That's it .... I am going with this theory re. the Malaysian plane mystery

The most simple explanation is always the right one.  

Chris Goodfellow's analysis:
....MH370  A different point of view. Pulau Langkawi 13,000 runway....

.......The left turn is the key here. This was a very experienced senior Captain with 18,000 hours. Maybe some of the younger pilots interviewed on CNN didn't pick up on this left turn. We old pilots were always drilled to always know the closest airport of safe harbor while in cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us and airports ahead of us. Always in our head. Always. Because if something happens you don't want to be thinking what are you going to do - you already know what you are going to do. 

Instinctively when I saw that left turn with a direct heading I knew he was heading for an airport. Actually he was taking a direct route to Palau Langkawi a 13,000 foot strip with an approach over water at night with no obstacles. He did not turn back to Kuala  Lampur because he knew he had 8,000 foot ridges to cross. He knew the terrain was friendlier towards Langkawi and also a shorter distance.

Take a look on Google Earth at this airport. This pilot did all the right things. He was confronted by some major event onboard that made him make that immediate turn back to the closest safe airport.
For me the loss of transponders and communications makes perfect sense if a fire. There was most likely a fire or electrical fire. In the case of fire the first response if to pull all the main busses and restore circuits one by one until you have isolated the bad one......


  1. I wouldn't bet on this theory you adopted. I am sticking with the theory of a nefarious plot by the pilot(s).
    The Malaysian government would much prefer the accidental fire theory to be true.

  2. I love conspiracy theories like anybody else but this is the most plausible theory there is out there. The fire might have been electrical. Or, deliberately set... that cannot be ruled out. But, the plane has gone down in one of the oceans over there and perhaps even flew as a ghost plane on auto before using up fuel and plunging to the depths.


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