Monday, March 24, 2014

Russia to USA and NATO : " We learnt from you. Thank You for the lesson and did you notice we did it without bloodshed unlike yourselves" .....

that's what Putin seem to be saying now while bombarding documentary after documentary showing  NATO bombing of Serbia.  The new documentary "The Serbian Tragedy: 15 Years" is below .... and the one RT had shown 5 years ago titled:"Serbia ...10 years on" is the third vid at the bottom.

It's so refreshing to see that a major power on our good Earth has taken it upon itself to show the hypocrisy of the West to the West.

Steve Gutterman writing at Reuters:
....Russia uses 1999 NATO bombing in media war over Crimea. Russian television blasted viewers with 15-year-old footage of NATO bombing raids, burning buildings and wounded people in Yugoslavia on Monday to step up a media campaign against the West over the Crimea crisis.

State television and newspapers used the anniversary of the start of the bombing campaign to depict the West as hypocritical for saying Crimea has no right to secede from Ukraine when NATO used force to help Kosovo escape Slobodan Milosevic's clutches.

A special program on state TV called "The Serbian Tragedy: 15 Years" hammered home Russia's message that the United States and NATO are to blame for redrawing global borders, encouraging separatism and flouting international law.

"The result of the NATO aggression was the final collapse of Yugoslavia and the unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence to applause from Washington and most European capitals," government newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta said.

"One can only wonder at the overt hypocrisy of Western politicians who now accuse Russia - which Crimea has joined as the result of a popular referendum, and practically without a shot fired - of violating international law," it said.

Serbia, a largely Orthodox Christian nation with historic ties to Russia, lost control of Kosovo province when NATO launched bombing raids to halt Serbian atrocities and "ethnic cleansing" in a counter-insurgency war under Milosevic.

The 78-day bombing campaign has been a source of ire for.........

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