Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Qatar not fearful of Muslim Brotherhood nor Iran

Saudi Arabia, the worst plague on planet Earth has decided to withdraw their Ambassador from Qatar.  And, of course, the lapdogs of Saudi Arabia .... the countries of UAE and Bahrain, did same. The rift is reportedly over the Muslim Brotherhood. Qatar continues to support the Muslim Bros which is a big "No No" with the manipulating cavemen in Saudi Arabia.

David Kirkpatrick at  NYTimes:
Growing tensions between Qatar and the neighboring Persian Gulf monarchies erupted in a diplomatic rift on Wednesday when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain withdrew their ambassadors from Doha over its continued support of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists around the region.

The concerted attempt to isolate and punish Qatar was an extraordinary rebuke to its strategy of aligning itself with moderate Islamists across the region in the hope of extending its influence amid the Arab Spring revolts. Many analysts in the region called it a comeuppance for tiny Qatar’s attempt to punch above its weight in the arena of international politics that always irked its neighbors, especially the Saudis.

That bet had appeared shrewd at the beginning of last year, with Brotherhood and allied Islamists ascendant in Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey, well positioned in Libya, and marching toward Damascus. But the other gulf monarchies bridled, viewing both democracy and political Islam as dual threats to their power. And in recent months the gamble has turned sour, with the military takeover in Cairo, a crackup in Istanbul, chaos in Libya and a Syrian stalemate......

....For the West, the spat is the latest unhelpful twist in the increasingly convoluted politics of the region. All four countries are Western allies, all are actively backing the Syrian rebels against President Bashar al-Assad, and all are Sunni Muslim states that see Shiite Iran as a regional rival. But the divisions within the Sunni gulf states make it harder for the West to work with them as a group on common concerns like Syria and Iran.

In addition to differences over Sunni Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, the gulf states are also divided over the gravity of the Iranian threat, which Qatar views as potentially manageable and Saudi Arabia views as existential, analysts said....

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