Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mayor Rob Ford comes out clear winner in first debate against the circus clowns running against him

Olivia Chow of the commie party and two of the other mayoral candidates, one of them a stinking CINO, called him a liar for claiming he has saved the city a billion dollars..... however, they had nothing to prove he was lying.  If they are so determined to keep calling him a liar, I wonder why they didn't compile a list to show how and on which items he has lied about not saving what he claims he has.  Counter the Mayor's claims with proof and then let's see how he responds, but to keep calling him a liar is so beneath these individuals who take delight in branding Rob Ford an "embarrassment" to the city while not taking a good look at themselves.  
A circus is what we are getting here folks.  Seven months of seeing these clowns badger and bite at Rob Ford while he carries on business as usual .... saving the city some money and hopefully come election day, saving us from these clowns.

Matthew Coutts writing at DailyBrew,YahooNews:
 ......By most accounts, Mayor Rob Ford was the hands-down winner of Wednesday's televised Toronto mayoral debate, based on his ability to stay on message and the almost dispiriting inability of other candidates to pin him down on his record, either personal or political.
The debate was a messy affair, with Toronto television station CityNews intentionally slotting in three segments of unregulated "discussion," which descended so quickly into a pointless shouting match that moderator and veteran news anchor Gord Martineau at one point threw his hands up in despair.
The chaos was music to the mayor’s ears. You could see Ford smiling as the mousey voices of his four competitors fought to reach a pitch his own reaches naturally.

The chaotic tone to the first televised debate of the 2014 Toronto mayoral election – still seven months from voting day – was the perfect environment for Ford to excel. And he did, by relying on blunt talking points and misinformation, to which his opponents had little opportunity to respond.
The key point trumpeted by Ford was an oft-dismissed claim that he has saved Toronto $1 billion since he was elected in 2010. He has said it before, and the claim has been discounted. Yet he returned to the claim on Wednesday, hiding under it like a shield as competitors tossed harmless grenades his direction........

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