Saturday, March 15, 2014

Malaysian mystery might boil down to Pilot Murder-Suicide?

There's a theory going around that the Malaysian MH370 tragedy is a murder-suicide committed by one of the pilots flying the aircraft.

The reason might be political. My post of March 8 has  the story  of the missing plane lumped together with the re-conviction of the opposition party leader Anwar Ibrahim. What a coincidence!  I lumped them together only because both stories had "Malaysia" in the title ...  and because I saw the  US govt. had issued a press release with a few chosen words directed at the judicial process of March 7  when the Appeals Court of Malaysia  overturned the earlier acquittal and re-convicted Ibrahim, sentencing him to 5 yrs in prison. Most Malaysians suspect  that  the charge of sodomy against the opposition leader is false.

The theory says that the pilot Shah hated the corrupt govt. of Malaysia and wanted world attention focused on Malaysia. From the translated stuff below, which I obtained from  the Professional Pilots Rumour Network forum (excellent place to see updates) it seems that he favored the opposition party lead  by Anwar Ibrahim.

The pilot Shah could have crashed the plane in one of the deepest spots in the oceans of that part of the world.  If  that's what happened, then it's gonna be tough to find the spot and if found, pull the victims to the surface.  The murder-suicide theory holds more water than those coming  from  conspiracy nuts shooting off their mouths about the commercial plane being used as target practice for  new weapons being tested by  the US or other nations or alien abduction to show us that the aliens are here to prevent WW3.  I like conspiracy nuts, they are so entertaining! 

The translations below are from the pilot's Facebook posts.  
Bear in mind that these might not actually be his postings and we are lead on a wild goose chase with this theory as well. 

See post #3982 atPPRuNe. 
Politics of fear.. This is what it’s boiled down to… Questioning the qualification of the individuals who dare to standup. (Anuar or Hadi .) These are our only hope to restore democracy. 50 years in power by a single party (coalition) does not say much about democracy in the country. If these leaders willing to stand in the line of fire the least we could do is support them. They might not be perceived to be the best candidate but sacrifice is necessary to achieve the goal of free democracy. When you renovate a house you have to suffer all the consequences. From dust, to the contractor that run off with the money, Aliens workers keeping an eyes on your family. WHY DO YOU RISK THAT? Because at the end after all the loss of extra ringgit for overprice items the contractor billed you and you elude the alien predators from robbing your house and harming your family you know it will be worthwhile.
Today is my last post on FB. The vote is with bijaksana.Kesejahteraan
the future of our children depends on the decision
you do tomorrow.
I count as a watchdog that will Ballot Box P107
opened the next day at the Office of Government Chinatown.
I gather 10 fingers apologize if there terkasar language.
I am a common man can not escape from errors.
In place of the votes in a government office petaling. Kul 5 new start counting. Sorry no pictures allowed.
See post #3986 in at PPRuNe  
From Capt FB
- Wikipedia reported Dr M is the second richest among retired leaders in the world, after Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. His wealth is estimated to be USD 44 billion (RM 160 billion) .Should we allow him to plunder our country's wealth? If PAKATAN is voted in on May 5 this wealth can be frozen & returned to the rakyat. As long as BN is in power, no one can touch him. Ubah lah !! Forward to at least 10 people
Apparently Putra Jaya issued an order that wef fm Monday, all staff not allowed OT and only authorized staff r allowed into PM department !!!!
They saw the revolt at the Putra jaya's ceramah !!
Clearly pmo are cleaning shits in the office before handover. Sign of bn preparing defeat.
This is an urgent appeal for support. Pakatan Rakyat needs everybody to bring the messages of truth down to the grassroots level. There are many people who have not received the messages from Pakatan Rakyat. Many have not been able to attend the Pakatan Ceremahs. Please help to send all message that you receive to at least 10 persons. The more people we can reach out to the whole country the better. We need to reach out to the 7th level. We need to reach out to 1 million people very fast. Time is very limited. Please help. Thank you.

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