Tuesday, March 11, 2014

If the strategy of the West is to break up nations here, there, everywhere ... why not tolerate breakage here too?

We know Quebec wants to separate.
We also know that there  will be a revolution in the USA if  another democrat is elected to the WH which would result  in the USA breaking up into several little countries. 
If Quebec is successful and separates....I wonder which province will be next.

It will serve us right for destroying countries like Iraq, Libya and Syria.

Even more than the jumping grasshoppers from Harper's gang, Quebec's separatists must be on pins and needles to see how the Ukraine referendum scheduled for March 16, plays out.  Harper and gang, of course, want everything to run to plan with the new govt. in Ukraine the Cons have helped set up,  whereas; that smiley lady in Quebec wants to come away with instructions on how to make a Crimea out of Quebec.

Here's a template you can use dear smiley lady.

The only time I will miss  Quebec if it separates from the rest of Canada is during future Olympics.  Most of the medals won this year were thanks to Quebec's athletes.

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