Sunday, March 16, 2014

HAHAHAHAH .... This is rich! USA says Qatar sponsors terrorism but does not breathe a word about Saint Saudi Arabia being the world's #1 banker for terrorists

The hypocrisy of the USA and the entire West in general is killing us slowly.  Now that Qatar has dropped from Saudi Arabia's good graces,  the USA plucks up the courage to point fingers at Qatar. 
Who's the boss of the USA?
Is there any doubt about that?!  

From MoneyJihad Blog:
....Treasury official says Qatar sponsors terrorism. In the bluntest comments yet by U.S. officials about Qatar’s role in financing international terrorism, Treasury undersecretary David Cohen cited Qatar while speaking about state sponsors of terrorism during remarks to the Center for a New American Security on March 4.

Cohen referred to Qatar immediately after stating that “Iran is not the only state that provides financial support for terrorist organizations.”  Cohen pointed to Qatar’s funding of Hamas and terrorists in Syria as problematic areas.

Previously, Treasury officials have stopped just short of suggesting official state sponsorship by the Qatari monarchy, focusing rather on private fundraisers and donor networks based in Qatar.....

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