Thursday, March 20, 2014

From Afghanistan to Libya for yet another long occupation ??

IMO, it looks very, very likely that NATO will continue sinning in one country after another.  Next up is Libya.  NATO, probably props up a weak puppet govt. like they did in Afghanistan and Iraq in the hope that the weaklings will fail and NATO troops can move in  so  the top 1% strata of society that makes up the banksters and fraudsters who are the puppet masters of our Western govts. can make more mountains of money. War and occupation can make that happen to those who know how to.  Human blood is the oil that runs the money minting presses for the warmongers.

From AP:
.....A small team of soldiers will go into Libya  in the coming weeks to begin preparations for a larger U.S. mission to train Libyan troops in Bulgaria, a senior Army official said Wednesday.

According to the official, fewer than a dozen soldiers will go to Tripoli but that number could grow as the group begins selecting the Libyan troops who will receive U.S. training. About 500 soldiers from the 1st Infantry Division will train 5,000 to 8,000 Libyan forces in basic combat skills as part of a larger international effort to improve security in the North African nation.

The training was announced late last year, but sending a team into Libya was not. The team initially will be working with the Libyans to determine the scope and details of the training.

The official said that as time goes on and the effort to select the Libyan troops expands, some additional soldiers could go to Tripoli to provide security for the team.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter by name.

Officials are waiting on final approval for the team to go to Tripoli. And the training will not begin until Libya approves the funding needed for the mission. That approval could happen sometime next month....

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, a good opportunity for would be terrorists to get some training at the expense of their enemies. How ironic.


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