Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty resigns

Rumours of health issues swirling around.  Good man, that Flaherty.  He kept the country  from drowning. I wish him all the best.

From YahooNews:
....There was the income trust tax debacle when he first got the job as federal finance minister and his recent unpopular reversal on income splitting, but Jim Flaherty will likely be best known for what he didn’t do.
“He didn’t let the government spend money,” says Laurence Booth, a finance professor at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. “He helped Canada put its fiscal house in order.”
Flaherty said Tuesday that he’s resigning from his cabinet post as finance minister, a job he’s held for eight years, and will return to the private sector.
Like most Canadians that follow politics and finance, Booth was surprised Flaherty didn’t stick around longer to present a balanced budget, expected next year.
Regardless, he and others weighing in on Flaherty’s sudden exit from the country’s top finance role, salute his tenure....

1 comment:

  1. "..recent unpopular reversal on income splitting,"
    I agree with him on this. I say that because I am not in the top 10% that would really benefit from it.
    The Cons throw too many perks that really only help those who don't need help.
    TFSA accounts being one and income splitting for pensioners. In saying that, disclosure, I make full use
    of the TFSA and pensioner's income splitting.
    But please don't take my comments as evidence that I am a raving looney socialist.


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