Thursday, March 20, 2014

Canadian family taking to Parliament their fight against Sharia law

I sincerely hope other Canadians who have been harassed, hampered, insulted and cowed down by Canadian Muslims in their zest to turn this country into a Caliphate, will do likewise.  Now, it remains to be seen if the spineless cowards who made up our govt. body (pun intended) are traitors or patriots. 

Kris Sims writing at SunNews:
....A Halifax family is taking their fight   against Sharia Law to Parliament.

They want the feds to stop giving taxpayers cash to places like schools and rec centres unless the organizations vow to stop allowing gender segregation under the guise of multiculturalism.

"This is going to get really bad before it gets better, we have to have the government stand up and say while we are a democracy and allow rights of other people, we cannot allow for the discrimination against women," Michele Walsh told Sun News.

Two years ago sisters Sonja and Sasha Power were told not to touch, face or teach a brand new student in their martial arts class at a public rec centre in Halifax.

The man was a fundamentalist Muslim and he refused to interact with any females in the co-ed class. The instructor accomodated the newcomer.

After a few classes, the man handed out a book on Islam that gave tips on wife beating and said women not shrouded in Islamic dress are asking for it.

Mom Michele contacted the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, but says her case was rejected without explanation.
The Nova Scotia NRC is on the sixth floor of a downtown highrise.

The quasi judicial commission is barricaded behind an empty waiting room, a combination lock and ticket wicket glass.
No one provided comment to Sun News about the case.

The Power family's member of Parliament, Gerald Keddy, presented their petition earlier this month....

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