Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Canada attracts more venture capital than ever before

Imagine that!  People with money have every confidence their money won't disappear in Canada like it might down south or elsewhere.  
California seems to attract the most venture capital. Guess it's because of the Silicon Valley.  Wonder what will happen to USA's economy if the Big One hits California and  Silicon Valley is no more. 

Mark Brown writing at CanadianBusiness:
....Three Canadian provinces now attract more venture capital than all but 6 states.

Tech startups in Canada have long complained about how hard it is to secure funding—but that’s changed. Overall, venture capital spending in Canada shot up by more than 30% in 2013, and Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia are now among the Top 9 destinations for VC funding in North America. Not bad considering B.C. didn’t even crack the Top 20 in 2012.

1. California | $15.2 billion
In 2013 the Golden State grabbed 47% of North American VC market share, down from 50% in 2012.....

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