Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bad day for the socialists in France .... HAHAHAHAH

Marine Le Pen surges ahead. Her party is now the third party of importance and growing in strength and recognition with each passing day. And, guess what? Marine Le Pen does not hate Putin. To me, that proves she's won't be doing or saying things to please those  whose agenda is to paint Russia as hell on earth and Putin as the devil himself.

From Expatica:
....Socialists hammered in French vote,   far-right wins key towns

France's ruling Socialist Party suffered heavy losses in nationwide local elections Sunday and the far-right National Front claimed control of at least two mid-sized towns, the first exit polls indicated.
As ballots closed, the National front (FN) said it was on track to claim 1,200 municipal council seats nationwide in what one prominent activist described as the biggest electoral success in the party's history.
Exit polls indicated that candidates backed by Marine Le Pen's party had secured the mayor's seat in the southern towns of Beziers and Frejus, but missed out on key targets elsewhere.
"We have moved onto a new level," Le Pen said. "There is now a third major political force in our country.".....

Kim Willsher and Anne Penketh writing at GuardianUK:
....French Front National eyes real power after startling gains in local elections
The FN already has a new mayor and could end up in control of five towns or cities after a strong showing at the polls, with Marine Le Pen declaring 2014 'year zero' for French politics
The historic city of Avignon is up for grabs. So is Perpignan, as is Fréjus on the south coast.

In local elections on Sunday, Marine Le Pen's Front National (FN) is hoping to snatch up to 15 towns and cities from the ruling Socialist party or the opposition centre-right UMP, validating its claim to be the third force in French politics. Across Europe, where Eurosceptic, anti-immigration parties are on the rise, the results will be taken as a sign of things to come. In Britain, Ukip's Nigel Farage will be watching with interest.

Analysts say the FN, which already has one new mayor, elected outright in last Sunday's first-round vote, is in a strong position to take at least five municipalities.

Today's second-round results will establish whether the wave of "bleu marine" (navy blue – a play on Le Pen's name) from the first round was just a protest vote aimed at punishing the mainstream parties or represents a serious challenge. The FN polled more than 10% of the vote in more than half of the 598 places where it fielded candidates....

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