Saturday, March 22, 2014

Assad's guys find bomb manufacturing factory in liberated Yabroud

My, my ... hardly a word of this from our esteemed news media.  If the Western media  can't blame the "nasty" on Assad ... then everything is pushed under the carpet and the silence is greater than in a ghost-less cemetery at midnight.

How wonderful to know that our many Canadian jihadis, sojourning at present in Syria, will come back with expertise in bomb-making.  Lovely!

Does it take up a lot of  brain power to figure out that if bomb-making factories have been set up by the terrorists, they most definitely have poison-making labs too? 

From NaharnetLebanon:
....Syrian Army Seizes Bomb-Laden Cars in Yabrud Carrying Lebanese License Plates.
The Syrian army found on Wednesday a number of explosive-rigged vehicles carrying Lebanese license plates while combing through southwest of the strategic town of Yabrud.

According to the Syrian state television, the Syrian army located a factory for manufacturing bombs in Ras al-Ain village in Yabrud and seized several booby-trapped vehicles carrying Lebanese license plates.

Al-Mayadeen Network said on Thursday that the bomb factory turned out to be a farm in al-Sarkha area near Yabrud.

The channel said that the farm contains several chambers that are specified to manufacture certain explosive material.

On Sunday, the Syrian army seized full control of rebel bastion Yabrud along the Lebanese border.

Yabrud is a strategic prize because of its proximity to the highway and the Lebanese border, across which rebels have smuggled fighters and weapons.

The capture of the town, and continuing army operations in the surrounding area, will sever important supply lines for the rebels as they face army advances on different fronts.......

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