Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Yup .... the Ukraine "mafia" is definitely mighty and strong in Canada

I hope Canadians are proud today that they let a foreigner demand and get an apology from one of our political parties' leader.... Justin Trudeau.  

I see this as a precedent for many worse things to come.  I am sure now that the Ukraine Ambassador to Canada who demanded an apology from the Liberal Party leader and got it,  has started the ball rolling for umpteen more apologies from our leaders.  

Waiting in line is CAIR-Canada who are demanding an apology  from the Prime Minister and his office. When are they gonna get it, dear Leader?  

It was disgusting to see SunTV  (no wonder I am  going off the Sun media) making mountains out of molehills and gloating over how Liberal party leader Trudeau had to apologize for the humor he used when opining about  Ukraine's recent Canada-USA organized, funded and operated "revolution."

When one attacks one's own family in favour of an outsider,  you have reached the bottom of the barrel.  Ugh!!


  1. 88 people lost their lives--the country is almost bankrupt. There are over 1 million Canadian-Ukranians who didn't know if family members were alive or dead. The Ukranians want Russia to stop controlling in the Ukraine and recognize their independence and sovereignty. And JT makes an ass of himself. Sorry Marie, don't agree with you on this one.

    1. Jan ... everybody makes a mistake. Most people make mistakes every waking day of their lives. JT made one, that I acknowledge. What I am peeved about is the Ukrainian ambassador "demanding" an apology. That was diplomatic stupidity and you know it. The correct thing would have been to get Ukrainians contact people close to JT to advice him to issue an apology so the Ukrainians didn't take offense at the joke. But for a foreign entity on our soil, whether diplomatic or not, to "demand" an apology from one of our country's leaders? How dare he?!!!!


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