Sunday, February 23, 2014

When "democratic" countries use tear gas and water cannons on protesters .... shhh STFU, it's all okay

Amazing isn't it...the hypocrisy?  Look, I don't like protesters using violence against the police or breaking shop windows and other public property ... what gets in my craw and sticks there, is that the hypocrisy of the politicians in the West  is so very blatant when they don't criticize the governments of their buddy-buddy countries for using tough measures on civilian protesters but scream loud enough to burst eardrums a mile away  when similar methods are used by their non-buddies.  The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife, nay ... one will need a hatchet to cut through it.

From France24:
...Protesters opposed to plans to build a new airport in the French city of Nantes smashed shop windows Saturday and hurled paving stones at police, who answered with tear gas and water cannons.

The protesters are opposed to the airport as it is set to be built on protected swampland.
Thousands swarmed the picturesque western city's central Petite Hollande square, the latest in a string of demonstrations against the pet project of Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. 
Local government estimates there were 20,000 protestors present while protest organisers estimate that there were closer to 50,000 people........

From CBC:
....Riot police moved into the western French city of Nantes on Saturday, clashing with hundreds of anarchists who broke shop windows, destroyed bus stops and pillaged the city centre.
At least eight police officers were hospitalized after violent confrontations with up to 1,000 "radicals," the prefecture of the Loire-Atlantique region said. Fourteen people were detained......

From RFI:
....The mayor of the western city of Nantes said he will sue over damage caused during protests on Saturday against a major airport development. Around 20 protesters and 10 police officers were injured when the demonstrations turned violent.
More than 20,000 people turned out to the largely peaceful protest against the 580-millino euro Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport project, which was given the final go ahead two months ago.

However, some protesters smashed shop windows, trashed a post office and the local offices of Vinci, the construction contractor. Police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets.
The socialist mayor of Nantes, Patrick Rimbert, said he is suing “X” – unidentified protesters – as demonstrators had been urged to follow a planned protest route.

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