Sunday, February 16, 2014

What if they had been aborted and thrown in the trash?

How very beneficial to the world that the mothers of the well-known people listed below chose to give birth instead of opting to abort.  If they had chosen abortion, the world would be minus the many, many benefits these people have given it.

Kristi Burton Brown writing at LifeNews:
....Adoption is all too rarely ....Adoption is all too rarely talked about as an option for pregnant women. Planned Parenthood and other such pro-abortion organizations seem to barely recognize its existence. And many people today have a rather ancient view of adoption.

Years ago, when adoption was chosen, a baby was often whisked away after birth – sometimes never even seen or held by his mother – and given to the adoptive family. The birth mother (and father) almost never had any contact, after birth, with the baby or the adoptive family. There was little way to know about anything going on in the child’s life. The most a birth mother could hope for was that, one day, her child would choose to open the records, find her name, and contact her after reaching adulthood. Many children chose never to do that.

Adoption today is different by light-years from all that. And we need to do a better job of informing women – and men – of all the options available in adoption. For those who desire no contact with their child or the adoptive family after birth, there are closed adoptions. The names of the birth parents can still be kept secret, but now it’s a choice, not what must be. Closed adoptions can be arranged so that the birth parents’ names are revealed when the child reaches the age of eighteen, or they can result in names that are never revealed. Almost anything is an option....

.....We should also learn the stories of people who were adopted. Here are nine you should hear – each beautiful and unique in its own way:

1. Colin Kaepernick, NFL quarterback........
2. Michael Oher, NFL lineman and subject of the acclaimed movie The Blind Side..........

3. Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple.......

4. Faith Hill, country music star.......

5. Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s
Dave Thomas was adopted at birth and had already begun working in the restaurant business before he had finished high school. Adoption was such a blessing in Thomas’s life that he returned the favor, thousands of times over. The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and Wendy’s Wonderful Kids (which specifically serves kids currently in foster care) has helped over 3,400 children get adopted.

Recently released research from a five-year evaluation of Wendy’s Wonderful Kids shows that children referred to the program are up to three times more likely to get adopted.

Wendy’s also sponsors “A Home for the Holidays,” a CBS special that airs every year at Christmas and helps children get placed in adoptive families..............

6. Jamie Foxx, Academy Award-winning actor
Foxx’s story differs from the others mentioned here because he was adopted by his grandparents after his parents divorced. Yet Foxx’s adoption was no less significant or eventful. He has been quite vocal about the life lessons his beloved grandmother (also his adoptive mother) taught him. Foxx has appeared on “A Home for the Holidays” and is outspoken about the need for adoption in the U.S.:

7. John Hancock, signer of the Declaration of Independence, governor, and president of Congress......
8. Rodney Atkins, country music star.........

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