Monday, February 17, 2014

Useless Nitwits at the UN eased arms embargo on Somalia. Somalia turns around and supply them to Al-Qaeda

What else can go wrong with the hare-brained decisions coming out of the loony bin we insist on calling the United Nations?  Many of these weapons must have gone to Nigeria where the Muslim terrorists are making mincemeat of Christians.  

Louis Charbonneau writing at Reuters:
...Exclusive:   U.N. monitors warn   of 'systematic' Somali arms diversion.  A confidential U.N. monitors' report warns of "systematic abuses" by Somalia's government, which the monitors say has allowed the diversion of weapons that Somali authorities purchased after the U.N. Security Council eased an arms embargo on Mogadishu last year.

Some of the arms believed to have been diverted were earmarked for a leader of the al Qaeda-linked Islamist militant group al Shabaab, the monitors said in their report, which was obtained by Reuters.

In its 14-page report to the Security Council's sanctions committee, the U.N. Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group recommends either restoring the full arms embargo or at least tightening notification and reporting requirements related to arms deliveries.

"The Monitoring Group has identified a number of issues and concerns over current management of weapons and ammunition stockpiles by the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), which point to high-level and systematic abuses in weapons and ammunition management and distribution," the report said.....

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