Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Turning

This is the first time I enjoyed reading one of Warren Kinsella's pieces. You know Kinsella ... don't you, the Lib mouthpiece?  Ya ... that guy.

How dumb is Justin    Trudeau's Senate stunt? Let us count the ways.

There are 10.

1) It won't really fool anyone. To great fanfare, the Liberal leader announced Wednesday morning "there are no more Liberal Senators."

A few hours later, 32 senators emerged from a meeting to declare that, (a) they are still senators and, (b) they are still Liberals. Recalling the musician Prince, the legislators formerly known as "Liberal senators" would heretofore be known as "Senate Liberals." Seem like a big change to you? Us neither.

2) It doesn't really address the key problem - they're still unelected. In fact, Trudeau's Red Chamber caper arguably makes the problem worse. Under his plan, unelected senators will now be appointed by other unelected people, in the way Orders of Canada are handed out (you know, using the same sterling process that saw the Order bestowed upon Conrad Black, Alan Eagleson and David Ahenakew). Before, at least, there was a vestige of democratic accountability in Senate appointments. Trudeau's move eliminates it.

3) The Constitution contemplates a bicameral legislature, with the government being called to account by the opposition. At different times in our history, when there has been a huge majority in the House - in the Brian Mulroney era, in the Jean Chretien era - opposition party senators fostered debate, and thereby democracy. Trudeau's tour de force ends all that in the Upper Chamber.

4) What seems bold and visionary in opposition is rarely so when in government. When Trudeau is prime minister - as he may be one day - he'd better get ready for the sort of gridlock Barack Obama was decrying in last week's State of the Union address. There will be no more Liberal senators to whip. They'll be independents and they will be working hard to live up to their name. Guaranteed..............

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