Saturday, February 22, 2014

Qatar kicking out the Muslim Bros

Fearing the Muslim Brotherhood's takeover of Sheikhdoms, the sheikdom of the UAE  got rid of the bros.  Now it's Qatar's time.  

See, even the Muslims realize  the power and might of the Muslim Brotherhood but our own governments here in the West refuse to see it.  Maybe, they know but as usual they want to make use of the "enemy" to either control or create chaos in other countries according to whatever blueprint they have privy to ... which is forever deprived from our eyesight. It's tough to understand how the  powers-that-be can get the wind blowing inside their skulls to stay in one particular place long enough so the few brain cells still somewhat functioning in some nooks and corners of the almost empty chamber, can form a constructive thought.

Raymond Ibrahim at his blog:
....Dr. Kamel Helbawi, a former spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, confirmed that Qatar is preparing to evict many Muslim Brotherhood leaders who had fled to Doha seeking refuge after the Egyptian military ousted the Muhammad Morsi government in July 2013.

Earlier reports had said that Qatar—home of Al Jazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood’s propaganda mouthpiece—was being pressured to expel those Brotherhood leaders hiding there by Egypt, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.

It is believed that they will be sent to London, England, which has not ratified the international extradition agreement....

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