Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Media and "French to English" translators give us a new phrase: "family-phobia"

Yup ...  the media knows how to turn and twist words to suit their purpose of double speak.  Almost all English language outlets in North America, if at all they are reporting on the protest marches ongoing in France, are calling the movement "family-phobia"  or that they are marching against "government family-phobia"  ....  but wait and see how this plays out and how the tag of "family-phobia" will be attached to these marchers and how the word "government" will be dropped off to imply the opposite.  The actual purpose of the protest marches is one and one only:  To retain the traditional family values of "One Man One Woman marriage"  and above all to stop the legalization of adoption by gay couples.

Tom Heneghan writing at Reuters:
...French conservatives   march against government 'family-phobia'
Over 100,000 conservative French marched through Paris and Lyon on Sunday accusing the government of "family-phobia" for legalizing gay marriage and other planned policies they say will harm traditional families.

The marchers, expressing growing frustration with the unpopular left-wing government, denounced new sex equality lessons in schools and urged the government not to legalize medical procedures to help same-sex couples have children.
Most demonstrators were middle-class families, some pushing little children in prams, posing no apparent risk of violent confrontation with the police that Interior Minister Manuel Valls had said would be dealt with severely.
The government of President Francois Hollande, suffering poll ratings near record lows, has delayed further social reforms until after next month's municipal elections following massive protests against legalizing same-sex marriage last year.

One Paris protester, Severine Chevrier, said: "Mr Hollande doesn't listen to us or want to talk to us (and) Mr Valls ... will do everything to shut us up."

"We have the same message (as last year), we just want it to be heard," said Michel Girard, also marching in the capital. "It's the defense of children and the family."
The protesters, many mobilized by Catholic groups and including some Muslims, warned the government not to legalize assisted reproduction for lesbians or make surrogate motherhood an option for gay males who want genetically related children.

French law currently allows assisted reproduction for married couples with infertility problems. Lesbian couples who want this option can cross the borders to Belgium or Spain, where it is legal for them.
Government ministers insist those procedures are not in a planned draft law, but the protesters do not believe them..............

And,  according to this from blogger GalliaWatch, the marchers have managed to keep the socialist Hollande from following up on his blueprint for at least the rest of his tenure in office.

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