Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Just a coincidence or something more sinister ?

We now know of four biggies from the financial world offing themselves ... or at least their deaths made to look like that.   Also, I believe one reporter who focused on OPEC has gone missing.  And, there are rumors of more than one trader resigning from their jobs.
Something is happening ... but what?!
We are living in a world that's becoming  more complicated than the conspiracy movies we watch as fiction.

From RTBusiness:
....Financial world shaken by 4 bankers' apparent suicides in a week.  The apparent suicide death of the chief economist of a US investment house brings the number of financial workers who have died allegedly by their own hand to four in the last week.
50-year-old Mike Dueker, who had worked for Russell Investment for five years, was found dead close to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State, says AP.
Local police say he could have jumped over a fence and fallen 15 meters to his death, and are treating the case as a suicide.
Dueker was reported missing by friends on January 29, and police had been searching for him.....

From BloombergNews:
....Tata Motors Risk Rises as Slym Death Clouds Plans: India Credit.  Bond risk for Tata Motors Ltd. (TTMT) is climbing at the fastest pace in more than two years as the sudden death of the head of its India operations threatens efforts to reclaim market share.
The suspected suicide of Managing Director Karl Slym, hired in 2012 for reviving the popularity of the world’s cheapest car, the Nano, may hurt Tata Motors’ plans to boost local sales that fell 37 percent in the last nine months. Investor confidence is flagging as the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers says industry deliveries are set for the first annual drop in more than a decade amid rising interest rates and an economic slump..........

From WallStreetOnParade:
.....Suspicious Death of JPMorgan Vice President,  Gabriel Magee, Under Investigation in London.
London Police have confirmed that an official investigation is underway into the death of a 39-year old JPMorgan Vice President whose body was found on the 9th floor rooftop of a JPMorgan building in Canary Wharf two weeks ago.
The news reports at the time of the incident of Gabriel (Gabe) Magee’s “non suspicious” death by “suicide” resulting from his reported leap from the 33rd level rooftop of JPMorgan’s European headquarters building in London have turned out to be every bit as reliable as CEO Jamie Dimon’s initial response to press reports on the London Whale trading scandal in 2012 as a “tempest in a teapot.”....

From DailyMail:
Mike Dueker, 50, was the chief economist at Russell Investments
He was found dead at the side of a highway in Washington State after jumping over a fence
The economist was having problems at work and had been an employee at the reserve bank from 1991 to 2008
He had published dozens of research papers over the past two decades
His death is the third death in six days in apparent suicides in the world of finance
Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old JP Morgan bank executive, died on Tuesday
The American threw himself off the top of the bank's London headquarters
His parents Bill and Nell Magee say they will travel from New Mexico to Britain to demand answers and collect their son's belongings
Last Sunday, former Deutsche Bank senior manager, William 'Bill' Broeksmit, 58, was found hanging in his South Kensington, London home
Both deaths have been ruled non-suspicious by the Metropolitan Police

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