Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Italian dissatisfaction with their government stands at 97%

For me, the most telling thing from the chart below was to see Italy's dissatisfaction with their government standing at 97% (if the research is accurate) because that's a clear indication that the Italians don't like the ongoing invasion of their country by Muslims, which their government is either unable to do anything about or even if they want to, they cannot because they are slaves to their masters in Brussels. 

The face and makeup of Italy is changing, just as it has in France. Very, very soon, so will Italy's religion. But, then, we come to the question of "Why is the general public helpless, why are the Italians letting themselves be taken over?  The answer to that my dear friends is simple: Christianity has made them into spineless cowards, so much so  that they are unable to recognize evil even if Evil incarnate pushed itself into their faces. Christianity has drummed into their skulls that every single person is a good human being, some humans might be misled, but they are still good and all are to be loved and cuddled.  Sheesh!

Andy Kiersz at BusinessInsider:
....Like many things, optimism about a country’s course varies widely around the world. In some countries, an overwhelming majority of citizens feel like their country is on track, and in others, an equally overwhelming majority believe the opposite.

To see this, below is a map based on data from the 2013 Pew Research Global Attitudes Project. It shows the percentage of the populations in the surveyed countries that were satisfied with their country’s direction.....

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