Sunday, February 16, 2014

I wonder why the non-black jihadis are not flocking to CAR to help their co-religionists ...

could it be that black Muslims are less worthy than non-black Muslims?  There's nothing more hypocritical than the book of islam and those following it.  Truly vomit inducing.  

Black skinned Muslims are considered to be slaves by other Muslims and as such they are expendable.
If you don't believe me watch this and read this.  

How satisfying to see that non-black Christians of the world are being shown by the largely uneducated black Christians of CAR how to fight a war against Muslims!  My hat's off and stays off for CAR's Christian soldiers.  Way to go brothers!  Someone hits you on your right cheek, hit him back on both cheeks and everywhere too.  Beautiful!!

 Sudarsan Raghavan writing at WashingtonPost:
 ....Town in the Central African Republic braces for war  between Christians and Muslims.
Heavily armed Muslim soldiers from the former Seleka rebel movement control this town, patrolling and manning checkpoints. On the outskirts, Christian militias have set up camp, determined to seize power.

“We’re worried that the two groups are about to attack each other,” said Daniel Gbele, a U.N. worker.

Tensions between the country’s Christian majority and Muslim minority have fueled violence in the capital, Bangui, and other areas in recent months. But here in the north, a parallel conflict over resources, wealth and territory is emerging. U.N. officials and human rights activists are concerned that Kaga Bandoro and other northern towns could soon become frontlines and humanitarian disaster zones, potentially dividing the poor but mineral-rich nation.

“This is our fear,” Aboud Dieng, the top U.N. humanitarian official for the Central African Republic, said during a recent visit to this town. “The Seleka say they will try to partition the country. This is a very important part of the country where they may be trying to establish a stronghold to control the rest of the country.”

Kaga Bandoro straddles the edge of the country’s remote northeast region, where Muslims are a majority and the Seleka rebel movement was born.

In March, Seleka rebels from the north seized power in a coup, installing their leader, Michel Djotodia, as the country’s first Muslim president. The rebels brutally targeted Christians, killing hundreds and forcing several hundred thousand from their homes. That triggered the creation of Christian militias known as the anti-Balaka — translated as “anti-machete” in the local Sango language — which attacked Muslim communities.

The balance of power shifted again last month when Djotodia resigned under pressure from regional powers. In disarray, the Seleka fighters began leaving the capital and other areas where they had gained control.

In recent weeks, the anti-Balaka Christian militias have taken over numerous towns, villages and neighborhoods. They have attacked Muslim communities and forced tens of thousands to flee their homes and the country. On Wednesday, Amnesty International said in a statement that the assaults on Muslims amounted to ethnic cleansing......

1 comment:

  1. " Amnesty International said in a statement that the assaults on Muslims amounted to ethnic cleansing "
    What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Is Amnesty International on the record complaining about attacks on Christians by Muslims that goes on in several Muslim countries?


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