Saturday, February 22, 2014

I blame the poisonous vapors emitting from constant earthquakes for the dysfunctionality of Californians

Not joking ....I am serious, I tell you.  It gotta be the constant tremors which are responsible for making mush of people's brains over there.  First and above all, one has to be somewhat crazy to make one's home in the part of the USA which could have its own mass funeral services  without a living soul in attendance when the Big One hits. Secondly,  couple the initial "not all there" with the gas vapors seeping out of the earth after every tremor and entering your body ... and what do you get?  Californians!  

Forget about breaking up the State into 2 states.  No sirree! Think 6.  Is this a plan to break up sections of California according to political preferences?  I suspect it is.  

From TimeMag:
....This week,   the California Secretary of State’s office gave initial approval to a proposal that would split the Golden State into six new ones: Jefferson, North California, Silicon Valley, Central California, West California and South California. If proponents can gather 807,000 signatures by July 14, the question will go to voters in November.
The man behind the “Six Californias” plan is big-name venture capitalist Tim Draper, known for investment in companies like Hotmail and Skype. TIME spoke to Draper about where this idea came from, how he decided on six states and whether there are any political ambitions behind his novel effort. Here’s an edited transcript of the interview:
Where did this idea come from?
We now spend the most and get the least. We spend.........

From YahooNews:  (comments section give clues to possible reasons for initiative)
A plan to divide California  into six separate US states is closer to making it on to a November ballot, with organizers gaining approval to collect signatures.

The seemingly far-fetched initiative, sponsored by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, claims "political representation of California's diverse population and economies has rendered the state nearly ungovernable."..........

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