Friday, February 14, 2014

Hundreds of British jihadis in Syria

What do you think will keep their jihadi  blood roaring in their veins when they get back?  Killing human beings is now an addiction with all these returning jihadis.  Do you think Canada will have to set up something like those drug insite places that we have for drug addicts, for the returnees?  The insite sites could be stocked with euthanasia enthusiastics. 

From RT:
...It’s a significant issue to learn  the motives of 400 British fighters reportedly in Syria now and reintegrate them into British society when they return, which will no doubt be extremely difficult, political commentator Mohammed Ansar told RT.

RT: Are these people who are drawn to Syria, who fight in Syria - are they a real threat to the UK when they come home?

Mohammed Ansar: This is something that has been a real issue for debate lately. The British government and the Home Secretary has clearly decided that those young, British, Muslim jihadists who are fighting in Syria do pose a threat. They have decided to renege [sic] their passports and effectively make them stateless. I think the real answer is probably a little bit more complex than that, which would be some that are, and there would clearly be some that aren’t. And it will take a multi-stakeholder approach. They’ll need to get together with the government, with different strands of civil society here in Britain, those who are experts at countering extremist and radicalized narratives. And I think we need to come together and decide which is the best way forward. I’m not sure that a blanket-ban on these people returning to Britain is necessarily the best answer.

RT: What in your opinion can the government do to minimize this threat?

MA: I think really understanding the nuance of the debate around the nature of these people who are going out to fight in Syria is going to be crucial to understanding the level of radicalization and how these young people feel. The general age profile is somewhere in between 18 and 24, young British Muslims from an Indo-Pak or South Asian background.

We’ve seen that they are quite well integrated into the British society. We saw the case of Ifthekar Jaman, who was from Portsmouth, in the South of England, who went out there with a number of people to fight.

There are some security estimates that believe there are 400 British fighters out in Syria at the present time. And this is going to pose a significant issue when we look at why they have out and how do we reintegrate them into British society when they return........

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