Monday, February 24, 2014

Has the Harper govt. made yet another mistake like Libya with their backing of the Ukraine revolution?

So much propaganda.... a dodo like me just don't know which way to turn.  Going by what has happened with Libya, where we were involved ... I fear that our involvement in Ukraine's "successful" revolution  might also come back to haunt us.  I like listening to all  sides of whatever opinion is out there,  whether it be Left or RIght or midway, matters little to me.  I like to hear all sides  because without listening to all one cannot come to a proper conclusion or even close to a correct opinion.

Listen to Corbett Report interview with Paul Craig Roberts and judge for yourselves.

Another rumor making the rounds is that the Youtube video "I am Ukranian" was done by an NGO funded by the Harper Govt and the USA and that the Ukrainian "mafia" is the strongest in Canada and headquartered in Toronto.  

Wow!  It's going to be struggle for the Conservatives to win another term if the Ukrainian revolution proves to be a failure. I fear the worst.  This might be the straw that broke the camel's back.

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