Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gaza Caravan-tied "charity" might get what it deserves

I found the below at a good blog to visit to "follow the money" MoneyJihad and as the "humble" blogger of it says: "it's a gem of a blog"  and it truly is ... it's not an empty boast. 

From InvestigativeProject:
IRS Wants Gaza Caravan-Tied Charity's Status Stripped. 
An Internal Revenue Service audit recommends stripping a New York-based charity of its tax-exempt status after it served as a conduit for donations for a convoy that delivered cash and goods to Hamas officials in Gaza.

The investigation was prompted by a 2009 report by the Investigative Project on Terrorism that documented statements during a Viva Palestina fundraiser directing contributions to the charity, the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organizations (IFCO)/Pastors for Peace. Viva Palestina is the brainchild of British MP George Galloway..........

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