Sunday, February 9, 2014

Croatia bans same-sex marriage

Clever people! Croatians managed to deflect the bullying from the LGBT (wonder when an additional letter will be added to the acronym and whether that would be one more "B" to stand for Bestiality) community, and had a referendum on not only the banning of same-sex marriage but also including a line saying to the effect that "marriage is an union between a Man and a Woman" in their Constitution. Chances are the change in the Constitution's wording won't happen as their overlords are in the EU and all such changes need to go through those slave masters.   

I think we need a referendum in Canada on the same issue.  And,  with the country in the full swing of "diversity" ... think for a moment which way the vote will go.   HAHAHAHHAAHA!!!  Yup ... Muslim Canadians have their uses too.

Look, let me be clear, I am not really 100% against gays.  The two aspects  I fiercely don't like about the LGBT community is their insistence that  their lifestyle or their mutated sexual preferences be accepted by all and that married gays be allowed to adopt children. 

Firstly, nobody should be forced to think that gay sex is normal, that all you need to do is try it, to normalize it. And, don't blame our non-acceptance of your mutant behaviour on our religious beliefs.  It's more than religious belief, it's much, much more.  Most people have an aversion to depravity, especially sexual depravity and guess which community has an abundance of that and very little of anything else?

Secondly, if certain areas of the world have legalized gay marriage... fine.  We can live with that.  What's wrong with two people living together with that additional piece of paper that can give them the benefits from the govt. enjoyed by other married folks.  However,  I cry "foul" when the gay community kicks it up a notch and starts adopting children.  What's to stop two same sex paedophiles from marrying each other and then going on to adopt children.   It's happened in Australia and that should make one wonder if  there are children being put through hell in other gay households. 

Gays are quick to point out that  homosexuality has existed from time immemorial, both in humans and the animal kingdom and that it's not an invention of modern times and that it's not like they have a choice, they are what they are.  True.  I give them that.  With the large majority, it's definitely not a lifestyle (with Bisexuals it is).  One or more mutated gene is responsible for people who are gay and we should all acknowledge that fact.  Gays can't help being what they are ... that's something many of us heterosexuals have realized and hate it when religious folks think homosexuality is a disease and can be cured.  No... it's not. I wish the Catholic church and other religious bodies would STFU on that. 

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